Friday, September 24, 2010

Migrant Worker Deaths Spark Protests

On Wednesday, September 22, 2010, The Toronto Star reported on the workplace deaths of Paul Roach and Ralston White at an apple farm in Ontario. Both of these individuals were seasonal migrant farm workers from Jamaica.

The deaths of these two men further highlights the importance of workplace health and safety programs. A protest is scheduled to be held today at 12:00 at the Ontario Ministry of Labour to highlight the issues faced by migrant workers.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Are your Workplace Safety and Insurance Board concerns being heard?

The Fair Practices Commission released their 2009 Annual Report.

The Fair Practices Commission is an independent office working to promote and ensure fair practices in the workplace safety and insurance system in Ontario. The Fair Practices Commission is an Ombudsman for the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board(WSIB).

There are three main goals of the Fair Practices Commission:

• To listen to the concerns that injured workers, employers, and service providers have
• To resolve fairness issues quickly
• To identify recurring trends and system-wide issues and report them to the WSIB with recommendations for improvements.

The top 10 ranking of complaints by subject in 2009:

1. benefits
2. health care
3. return to work
4. labour market re-entry
5. appeals process
6. non economic loss
7. employer assessment issues
8. expenses
9. permanent disability
10. loss of earning (LOE) 72 month review

According to the Commission one of the most common concerns is that WSIB has taken too long to make a decision, to send a written decision, or respond to calls or letters.

If you have concerns about the WSIB you can contact the Fair Practices Commission at 1-866-258-4383 and tell them your WSIB concerns or online.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Survey on Poverty and the Injured Worker

A message from the Ontario Network of Injured Workers Groups (ONIWG):

Are you an injured worker? Do you work with injured workers?

The Ontario Network of Injured Workers Groups needs your help with a survey on the poverty and well-being of permanently injured workers. This survey is part of ONIWG's ongoing work, but has a new urgency because of the recent proposed changes to workers' compensation that aim to cut costs at the expense of injured workers.

The survey takes about 25 minutes and is now available on the Injured Workers Online web site below.

Need more information? Contact Bonnie Heath at or 416 509 6007.

Be part of this important work!

For more details visit:

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Ministry of Labour is investigating after part of an old church collapsed during its demolition while a worker was still inside

The Ministry of Labour is investigating after part of an old church collapsed yesterday during its demolition while a worker was still inside in Picton Ontario.

He escaped without serious injuries, but the incident is now a sore spot in the community.

Go to CKWS Television to watch the video and read the full story.

Go to the Ontario Ministry of Labour website for more information on Health and Safety .

All workers have the right to return home each day safe and sound.

Safe at Work Ontario is the Ministry of Labour strategy to protect workers’ health and safety on the job.

The ministry enforces the Occupational Health and Safety Act.